Top 10 E-commerce Monitoring Tools you need in 2024

Feeling swamped by all the data while trying to keep your e-commerce business running smoothly? You’re definitely not alone.

A lot of e-commerce businesses get bogged down by data overload, technical headaches, and the constant need to keep up with competitors. Without proper monitoring, these problems can snowball into serious issues like website downtime, unhappy customers, lost business revenue, and even damage to your brand’s reputation. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed trying to juggle everything at once.

But here’s the good news: you don’t have to tackle these challenges alone. In this blog, we’re diving into the best e-commerce monitoring tools that can completely change the way you keep an eye on your online store. These tools will help you stay ahead of the competition, streamline your operations, boost performance, and grow your brand.

The Importance of E-commerce Monitoring

Ecommerce monitoring tools can significantly affect your business and provide plenty of return on investment. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Ensure Optimal Website Performance

Did you know that in 2023, a whopping 53% of mobile users left websites that took longer than 3 seconds to load? That’s a huge chunk of potential customers slipping away because a site was too slow. This makes it clear how crucial it is for your website to run smoothly—no downtime, no sluggish load times, and definitely no technical glitches. These issues can quickly frustrate customers and end up costing you sales.

That’s where monitoring tools come in handy. They allow you to monitor and fine-tune your website’s performance continuously. By staying on top of performance metrics, you ensure your online store stays fast, smooth, and reliable, keeping your customers happy and engaged.

2. Enhance Customer Experience

Any e-commerce business depends on its customers to survive. Monitoring tools can give you useful information about how visitors are using your website, pointing out any problems or places that could use some work.

This lets you optimize the user experience and make it as smooth and fulfilling as possible. You can create a shopping experience that entices customers to return if you have a thorough understanding of their wants and behaviors.

3. Boost Sales and Conversions

Monitoring tools are valuable in boosting sales and conversions in addition to helping you keep an eye on your website. The average cart abandonment rate in 2023 was 69.99%, and by 2024, it’s predicted to be over 70%, therefore it’s imperative to optimize each stage of the customer journey. You can smooth out any glitches in the checkout process with the correct tools, guaranteeing that clients who add things to their basket go through with the transaction.

You may increase e-commerce checkout rates and, eventually, income by watching conversion rates, recognizing potential obstacles, and studying customer behavior to make well-informed decisions.

4. Maintain Security and Compliance

It is imperative to protect your consumers’ data in the current digital ecosystem. Because cyberattacks and other digital vulnerabilities are an ongoing concern, monitoring tools are essential for identifying problems early on and keeping an eye out for unusual activity. By taking a proactive stance, you can deal with issues before they get out of hand.

These technologies also assist you in keeping up of compliance requirements, guaranteeing the security of your clients’ data. Customers are more inclined to trust and stick with your business when they are assured that their data is secure.

5. Stay Competitive

The world of e-commerce is always evolving, and it can be difficult to stay up to date with rivals and trends. By assisting you in keeping an eye on rival pricing, market trends, and other important aspects that may have an influence on your company, monitoring tools can provide you a competitive advantage. With the help of this information, you can stay one step ahead of the competition by making astute, calculated judgments and promptly adjusting to changes in the market.

Top 10 Ecommerce Monitoring Tools for 2024

Now that you know why ecommerce monitoring tools are essential, let’s understand what tools you should consider using for your business that integrate smoothly with your order fulfillment technology and your operational workflow.

1. Visualping


Visualping is an essential tool for monitoring changes on competitor websites. It alerts you to updates, helping you stay informed about industry trends and competitor strategies.

Key Features:

  • Monitors changes on competitor websites, including pricing, content, and other relevant modifications. This helps you stay relevant with competitors’ strategies and market positioning.
  • It provides customizable alerts that are delivered to you via email or integrations with other platforms, such as Slack. This flexibility ensures you receive notifications that seamlessly fit into your workflow.
  • It features a user-friendly dashboard for monitoring and reviewing pages. This helps you quickly navigate to the required information from any page.


  • Helps in keeping track of competitor pricing effortlessly.
  • Ensures website content remains accurate and up-to-date.
  • Quick response to market changes to maintain a competitive edge.

2. Tigren


Tigren specializes in monitoring website performance and user experience. It helps you track site speed, uptime, and user behavior analytics, ensuring your customers have a seamless shopping experience.

Key Features:

  • Monitors site speed, uptime, and performance metrics. This helps you to identify issues and solve them quickly.
  • This helps you to provide a fast and reliable shopping experience for your customers. Furthermore, it reduces bounce rates, increases conversions,
  • It provides detailed analytics to make sense of user behavior and interactions on your website. This allows you to identify popular and underperforming pages and improve based on the data.
  • Enables SEO monitoring to help you track rankings and improve your search engine presence. With this information, you can optimize your content for better visibility.


  • Delivers a fast and smooth shopping experience for your customers, which reduces bounce rates, increases conversions, and builds customer loyalty.
  • Identifies and resolves website performance issues before they impact your sales.
  • Helps you make consistent data-driven decisions to improve website performance.

Read more: How SEO Is Helping the E-Commerce Industry

3.   Brandly360


Brandly360 is a powerful tool for monitoring and analyzing the market. It automates the tracking of product prices across multiple marketplaces and competitors, helping you implement dynamic pricing strategies to maximize profits.

Key Features:

  • Monitors product pricing across marketplaces and competitors. This automation helps you save time and ensures you always have the latest pricing information.
  • Tracks product availability and promotional activities. This helps you stay informed about stock levels and special offers from competitors, allowing you to adjust strategies based on information.
  • It provides detailed reporting that delivers actionable insights. This allows you to analyze pricing trends, market dynamics, and competitor strategies and make informed decisions about your brand.


  • Implement dynamic pricing as and when the market demands it to maximize profits.
  • Identify market trends early to stay ahead of competitors and adjust offerings accordingly.
  • Maintain consistency in brand presence across platforms.

Read more: Top 8 eCommerce Trends You Should Know in 2024

4. Hotjar


Hotjar offers in-depth analytics for user behavior to help you understand your users’ experience on the website. This includes heatmaps for your web pages and user session recordings. These features can help you understand user interactions and identify areas of optimization and improvement.

Key Features:

  • Visual representation of where users click, scroll, and spend most of the time on your site. This data helps you understand which elements attract a customer’s attention and what is getting overlooked.
  • Session recordings of the user to understand how they navigate your site. You can observe their interaction, identify friction points, and understand how to mold your website better to provide a smoother experience.
  • Collect direct feedback through customizable polls and surveys. This helps you gather information about customer opinions on specific features, pages, and overall experience. These valuable points help you understand their perspective on improving performance.


  • Make informed decisions to optimize the overall user experience.
  • Identify areas of improvement and increase conversions.
  • Facilitate a customer-centric approach to website optimization.

5. Bugsnag


Bugsnag is a robust tool for real-time error monitoring and reporting. It is designed to help you quickly detect and resolve the technical issues across your ecommerce platform.

Key Features:

  • Monitors your applications across various platforms and devices, alerting you to errors as they occur. This helps you respond to technical glitches without disrupting your user’s journey.
  • Offers comprehensive diagnostics to help you understand the root cause of errors. The reports consist of error frequency, affected users, and the specific conditions for the errors.
  • Integrates with popular development tools and workflows such as GitHub, JIRA, and Slack. This helps your development team address and solve issues seamlessly.


  • Minimizes the downtimes that can affect your business.
  • Enhances application stability and reliability.
  • Supports proactive maintenance and continuous improvement.

6. New Relic


New Relic is known for its comprehensive end-to-end application monitoring capabilities. This tool provides real-time analytics and alerts to help you maintain optimal website performance.

Key Features:

  • Monitors your entire e-commerce system, including your website and apps, to keep everything running smoothly.
  • Provides easy-to-use dashboards and real-time reports to track important metrics like website speed, user engagement, and conversion rates.
  • Sends alerts to quickly notify you of any performance issues..


  • Ensures your website loads quickly by maintaining top performance.
  • Makes it easier to optimize and fix issues using data.
  • Helps you maintain high reliability standards.

7. Pingdom


Pingdom is a tool that monitors your website’s uptime and user experience to keep it fast and accessible.

Key Features:

  • Tracks your website’s uptime from different global locations to spot outages and performance issues in real-time.
  • Provides detailed reports on page speed and load times, helping you identify and fix slow areas on your site.
  • Monitors key processes like checkout and form submissions to ensure smooth transactions for users.


  • Ensure consistent website performance for customers worldwide.
  • Quickly find and fix performance problems.
  • Build trust by reducing downtime and resolving payment issues fast.

8. Datadog


Datadog provides monitoring solutions for your entire tech stack. It offers real-time insights into infrastructure, applications, and logs.

Key Features:

  • Offers real-time analytics to monitor system health and performance across servers, databases, and services, giving you a full view of your operations.
  • Lets you create custom dashboards to track key e-commerce metrics and set alerts for any unusual activity or performance issues.
  • Easily integrates with various platforms, including cloud services, container systems, and CI/CD tools.


  • Helps you centralize your entire technology stack.
  • Enables proactive management of your infrastructure.
  • Supports scalable and flexible monitoring tailored to your business needs.

9. Sematext


Sematext offers full-stack monitoring and log management to keep your e-commerce platform running smoothly and users satisfied.

Key Features:

  • Monitors your entire e-commerce system, including website performance and infrastructure, so you can quickly spot and fix issues.
  • Helps troubleshoot problems and ensures compliance with regulations through advanced log management.
  • Uses synthetic monitoring to simulate user interactions and detect issues before they affect real users.


  • Quickly spot and fix unusual user behavior.
  • Ensure a smooth shopping experience to reduce cart abandonment.
  • Deliver excellent service to boost positive reviews and long-term success.

10. Uptrends


Uptrends provides a comprehensive website and API monitoring service. These are essential for maintaining uninterrupted access and functionality for your e-commerce platform. They help your website remain operational and responsive consistently.

Key Features:

  • Monitors website uptime to keep your online store accessible to customers globally.
  • Tracks key metrics like page load times and transaction speeds to identify areas for improvement.
  • Monitors APIs to ensure backend services run smoothly, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Provides real-time alerts and detailed reports to help you fix issues quickly before they impact customers.


  • Helps you maintain uninterrupted access to your website and services.
  • Proactive approach to security that allows curb issues before they can affect service quality.

Invest in the Right Tools For Optimal Results with Your Ecommerce Platform

Investing in the right tools ensures your e-commerce platform runs smoothly, improves customer experience, boosts sales, and enhances security. By integrating these tools into your workflow, you can optimize every part of your operations.

A holistic approach helps increase checkout rates and supports long-term growth. Evaluate your current monitoring strategies and adopt tools that enhance your business

Remember, Proactive monitoring is essential for preventing issues and driving success.

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