15 Mind-Blowing Lead Generation Statistics to Aid Your Business with Higher ROI

B2B marketers live and die by lead generation statistics.– Jen Barrell

What is B2B?

“B2B” stands for “Business to Business.” The term refers to all those businesses and companies that offer goods and services that aid other businesses. These businesses offer the “parts” to other businesses, which help the “sum” be greater than the parts.

One example of a product of the quintessential B2B market is automobile manufacturing. While everybody is informed of automobile brands, in every model of car or SUV, or truck they produce are several parts/components produced by other companies. When you buy a particular car, you are also buying parts and devices that innumerable other companies manufacture.

B2B can be differentiated from B2C (Business to Consumer) types in which businesses aim at an individual consumer and C2B (Consumer to Business) enterprises where a user offers products/services to a company. While a B2B company offers raw materials, finished parts, services, and consultation, which help another company grow, progress, and profit.

Thus, the target audience of a B2B company is usually a collective, a group who are decision-makers and influencers and who have a say in the prospects of a business deal. This being the case, B2B marketing campaigns require careful planning and extensive research. Unlike in a B2C transaction where a consumer purchases within moments, a B2B business deal happens over a longer period and with considerable deliberation. A B2B company must spend enough time and effort in studying the clients’ needs and demands to build a rapport and relationship with the client before going in for the sales pitch. A B2B marketing team’s challenge is convincing the client that their products and services will yield a substantial ROI (Return on Investment).

Lead Generation Statistics

(Source: https://www.impactplus.com/blog/lead-generation-statistics)

  • “61% of marketers say generating traffic and leads is their top challenge.”HubSpot
  • “88% of B2B marketers use content marketing as a lead generation tactic.”Content Marketing Institute
  • “Content marketing generates three times as many prospects as outbound marketing, but costs 62% less.”Demand Metric
  • “80% of customers are of the view that user experience is as important as the products and services a company offers.”Salesforce
  • “Marketers who follow up with web leads within 5 minutes are 9 times more likely to convert them.”InsideSales.com
  • “46% of marketers with well-planned lead management strategies have sales teams who follow up on more than 75% of leads.”Strategic IC
  • “90% of customers feel help of a video demo is plays a key role in their making buying decisions and 64% of customers say with the help of a video demo they are more likely to buy.”Forbes
  • “Using video on a landing page can increase conversion by as much as 86%.”eye view
  • “Marketers who prioritize blogging efforts are 13x more likely to see positive ROI.”Hubspot
  • “Companies that engage in social selling get 199% better ROI.” – aware
  • “LinkedIn dominates lead gen with more than 80% of B2B leads generated through social media coming from them.”Oktopost
  • “Lead-nurturing emails get as much as 10 times the response rate compared to standalone emails.”SilverPop/DemandGen Report
  • “Marketers who segment their email recipient lists achieve 39% higher open rates, 28% lower unsubscribe rates, 24% better deliverability.”MarketingProfs
  • “Organizations that use marketing automation with prospects experience a 451% increase in qualified leads.” –ANNUITAS Group
  • “80% of marketers using automation software generate increased leads and 77% convert more of those leads.”VB Insight, APSIS
  1. 88% of B2B marketers use content marketing as a lead generation tactic.
  2. Content marketing generates three times as many prospects as outbound marketing but costs 62% less.

Information is the bedrock of B2B content marketing. B2B customers are forever on the lookout for sensible, educative promotional material which looks beneficial to their business. Also, content marketing supports SEO tactics that make content about a company easy to find and the website discoverable.

In contrast to a B2C consumer, a B2B customer relies more on content marketing than a traditional advertising campaign.

Another essential step would be to start a business blog. It could contain all the material you create and be a source for subscribers to be educated and enlightened about all the developments in your business.

  1. Companies that engage in social selling get 199% better ROI.

Social Media Marketing may not yield results as fast as through E-mails or content marketing, yet social media presence for a B2B company is a must. The same results can be achieved through social media marketing as is done through E-mails or content marketing. This strategy plays a vital role in building your brand awareness. It could have a telling effect on converting your “Followers” into consumers.

According to B2B Marketers 2024, these are the most effective tactics to boost ROI

(Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/368739/b2b-lead-generation-most-effective-online-tactics/ )

lead generation tactics

Email Automation

One very effective strategy for success in B2B marketing is Email automation. Email automation is the tactic of sending marketing messagesen masse. Through this procedure,marketers can communicate with the entire group of subscribers (existing and prospective clients) on your B2B email list simultaneously and in one go.

You can create user profiles, utilize A/B test results with subject lines, measure email conversions, monitor open and click rates and increase your overall ROI through email automation.

According to a study (see image above), 48% of marketers considered email marketing the most effective online marketing channel for lead generation.

Email Marketing

One of the vital cogs in the wheel for B2B marketing trends is Email marketing campaigns. It is a highly important strategy for success in B2B marketing.

According to a study conducted by Statista, there were 3.8 billion registered email users worldwidein 2024. This number is expected to jump to 4.4 billion users in 2024.

Some of the facts and figures overwhelmingly in favor of using email marketing to promote your B2B business:

  • 93% of B2B marketers use e-mail.
  • 72% of customers prefer email as their main channel for business communication.
  • 83% of B2B companiesmake use of email newsletters during their content marketing campaigns
  • 40% of B2B marketers believe that email newsletters are highly significant to the success of their content marketing strategy.
  • According to a study, 50% of the respondents revealed that email is their most preferred way to receive updates from brands they follow.
  • B2B marketers feel that Emails delivered the highest average ROI (Return on Investment). According to a survey, ROI through email marketing is $42 for every $1 spent, i.e., an ROI of 4200%.

Email Marketing Strategies for Increased Engagement

The initial step in email marketing is to finalize your B2B marketing list or B2B email list. Once you have that in place, there are various methods by which you may undertake your email marketing campaign. These are some of the crucial strategies for success in B2B marketing.

Arresting Subject Line

Whether on a laptop or a tab, or a mobile, the first thing that gets noticed when you send out an email is the subject line. Make your headline enticing and eye-catching. Make it irresistible for the subscribers to scroll away without clicking to open your email. Even as you make the headline absorbing, keep it relevant and useful for the customers.

Be Concise

Like any average Joe, members of your targeted email list have their commitments and life to lead. You can’t let your email content look bulky and unwieldy. People today have very short attention spans. You need to keep your messages short-and-sweet and still convey what you want to. Brevity is of great utility when you want to keep the subscribers engrossed. They are sure to return asking for more.

Attractive Content

When the mails to your B2B mailing list contain images, animated gifs, graphics, or videos, they are bound to pique the curiosity of your customers. Even your text messages could make do with appealing phrases and catchy lines. It is your responsibility to offer quality material to subscribers who have chosen to open and read your emails. Always make your email something to look forward to for your customers.

Personalize your Email

Your B2B marketing list would contain subscribers who are your loyal customers and prospects. Most of the mailing list members would be familiar with your products and services, and you, in turn, would be informed of their likes and tastes. Therefore, it would be incumbent upon you to formulate your emails with a personal touch. Your customers are bound to feel you are talking to them on a one-to-one basis, even through group mail. This results in greater chances of your B2B email list members getting emails that they like and thus building a stronger bond with your business.

Segmentation of Email Lists

You can segment your targeted email list based on demographic details like age, gender, profession, location et al. Once you have your B2B email list thus classified, it is much simpler to send emails that are customized as per the demands and preferences of customers in each list. This is another variation of the personalization of emails.

Effective call-to-action

While your emails to a targeted email list aim to engage your subscribers, you also need certain emails that interact with them. You need to include a clear and prominent call-to-action that prods and provokes your customers to click through and visit your website.

As a follow-up, you need to probe whether your customers can spot your call-to-action and does your email copy prod a click from them.

Made for Mobiles

According to a study, people check their emails at a much higher frequency with their mobiles than earlier. You need to design your emails keeping in mind their mobile optimization aspect. This increases the efficacy of your messages and makes for better engagement with your B2B marketing list of subscribers.


If your emails to the targeted email list of customers have a monotonous feel to them, it may veer them off from opening your emails. Try experimenting with the content of your emails to keep your customers engaged and intrigued. Adding variety to your email content would only make it interesting.

  1. 80% of marketers are using marketing automation software that generate leads, and 77% convert more into sales.

Some tools are specially designed for email automation. Some of their salient features are:

  • Ability to set up advanced communication sequences, which are not just limited to adding subscribers to the B2B email list and sending them messages.
  • They established different communication paths with the subscribers depending on their activity or lack of it while they are a part of the B2B email list. This also plays a role in how B2B leads are engaged, nurtured, and then converted into customers of the B2B enterprise.
  • These tools also use advanced stats, which are much more comprehensive than mere clicks/conversions. They account for obstacles to communication through email automation, including considering the stages where subscribers quit from the B2B email list.
  • These tools also account for “subscriber personas,” which elaborates how a person reacts to messages, the sequences customers are involved in, and other details of their engagement when they are a part of the database.
  • And how the tools integrate with e-commerce. Email automation is beneficial in many places, but it is a sure shot success in e-commerce. You need to identify every stage of the customer purchase cycle and send an email at all those stages.

Some of the tools which are optimized for email automation are:

  • Sendinblue
  • Mailchimp
  • Mailjet
  • Drip
  • ConvertKit
  • Infusionsoft


Among the prime motives of B2B marketers, lead generation tops the list. B2B marketers employ lead generation tactics and strategies at various stages and different positions. Other than email marketing, lead generation is also undertaken through niche, online, content, and social media marketing campaigns. There are many options available to B2B marketers in their quest for lead generation, and they need to make intelligent choices.

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