

The Shift of Mobile Applications from Native to Hybrid- What, How and Why?

More than half of internet users depend on smart gadgets and smartphones for accessing the World Wide Web. Unlike other smart devices, one can easily find everything on a smartphone. The ever-growing importance of mobile phone is undeniable and probably unending. The chief reason behind such extensive use and preference

The Shift of Mobile Applications from Native to Hybrid- What, How and Why? Read Post »

Technology, Mobile

How will 5G technology benefit the world?

5G, the fifth-generation wireless network, is the latest mobile internet technology on the horizon, which will enable quicker speeds and more secure connections on smartphones Powered by advanced technology, 5G will offer connections that are exponentially faster than existing connections, as about 1GBps will be average download speed in the

How will 5G technology benefit the world? Read Post »


Which Platform is Best to Develop More Reliable Mobile Application?

You would have definitely experienced the trend in the last 10 years. There is a spurt of mobile apps. Many app development companies are releasing apps for many purposes like gaming, on-demand services, entertainment, productivity, etc. This sudden flow of apps can be attributed to the exponential growth of smartphones

Which Platform is Best to Develop More Reliable Mobile Application? Read Post »

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