We are now standing on the brink of a technological revolution that will forever change the way we live. This transformation has already started ushering in new innovations to make our life easier, more productive and safer. Here are the 7 best digital technologies that will change your lifestyle-
1. Powerful computing and internet
An inexpensive Android cell phone will have more computing power than most PCs 10 years back. Some of the more advanced cell phones are almost pocket supercomputers! Smaller and more powerful computing devices, superior data management systems and good internet speeds have paved the way for IOT (Internet of Things).
As of June 2024, 55.1% of the world’s population had internet access. With better connectivity and less expensive devices, this number will grow exponentially. This will give access to information, education and link up to global market places. This will empower people and lead to the eradication of poverty.
2. Datafication of our lives
Every time we swipe our card to buy things or use google maps, leave a tweet or log in to Facebook, we leave data trails. This data can be analyzed and monetized. With the help of supercomputers and algorithms, this data can be interpreted in real time. With the vast amount of data being available in the health care sector, doctors can understand patterns and connections in diseases and make treatment more effective.
Smart algorithms are used to analyze and interpret this data. This massive pooling of data is fuelling astounding tech advances in other fields also. It helps in planning, better medical treatment and formulating better marketing strategies. With algorithms getting better and better, the massive chunks of data are being efficiently made sense of.
3. Artificial intelligence
Computers are now able to learn as we humans do. The massive increase in data and computing power has made computers smarter. AI systems have advanced quickly over the past few years and the more data they get, the better they become.
Now it is possible for computers to take over most human tasks. Google has also come out with driverless cars! AI can allow a smart device to see (facial recognition), listen (voice commands), read (text to speech) and even gauge our emotions.
We already have google home and Alexa that can control your home by interacting with appliances. You can give voice commands to play music, switch channels in your TV or even ask questions. Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, machine learning, predictive analytics, and business intelligence tools have tremendously enhanced productivity.
4. 3D printing
We have started to digitize matter! 3D printers can create cars, houses and even custom designed prosthetics. This promises a fascinating future. In 2014, according to the journal Popular Science, Chinese doctors gave a boy a 3D-printed spine implant. Soon patients may not have to suffer the long waiting period for organ transplantation. 3D printing allows us to custom print the object we want.
Imagine a scenario where we order something online and take a printout instead of waiting for it to be delivered! It removes the high initial investment barrier of a large-scale manufacturing setup and allows customization at the micro level, unlike mass production units. This customization empowers the buyer and may even remove the middleman thereby keeping costs optimal.
5. The Internet of Things
Dog collars, TV, yoga mats, electric fireplaces or your pillow, all can be made smart with IOT. In fact, almost anything can be made smart nowadays. IOT consists of smart products gathering data with sensors and sharing it. The massive amount of data is gathered and processed to make real-time decisions.
Basically, every device- digital or non-digital, can be made to connect together to make your life easier. Smartwatches share data such as pulse rates and temperature to a connected mobile phone, which may have an app to analyze the data and recommend an action to the wearer.
With smart devices, you can get your smoke alarms, humidity, pressure and vibration sensors to detect changes in your house and notify you on your smartphone if something is amiss. Mind boggling advances in processing power, internet connectivity, and smaller computing devices have made IOT a reality.
6. Cybersecurity
Advances in cybersecurity have revolutionized electronic transactions. More and more people have begun to trust digital payment. Even in developing countries, electronic transactions have taken off.
Cryptocurrency is getting popular. Advantages of this currency are that every transaction is recorded by blockchain. A blockchain is a network of computers that approves all transaction and verifies and records it. Cryptography keeps transaction secure, and the system produces a decentralized ledger that anyone on the network can access. This system can replace banks and minimize financial frauds due to its transparency.
7. Wearable devices
Computers have moved from our tables to laps, pockets and soon will move into our clothes. IOT, all-pervasive internet and increasingly smaller and powerful computing devices have made this possible.
A wearable implant can be integrated into sweatshirts to provide real-time data by analyzing sweat output, breathing, and heart rate. These wearable devices give immediate information about our health or help locate missing children or pets. It is of immense use to the elderly and the sick.
As of now, smartwatches are getting increasingly popular. They can be used to view messages, make calls, play music, etc. They also record and analyze your heart rate and temperature. With the increasing amounts of data collected by these devices, it could have a significant impact on healthcare. The revolutionary google glass is a prime example of how diverse and mind-boggling this technology is.
So many new technologies have appeared in the last few years to revolutionize our lives. The large amounts of data being generated are constantly being analyzed and made sense of. The future holds a vast promise for a digitally enriched world where humans and machines speak to each other, learn from the vast data generated and move towards the next level of integrated technology. Using smart trash can in your house will also change your lifestyle.