Getting Started with Ext JS: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Getting Started with Ext JS

Ext JS is a JavaScript framework that helps developers to create dynamic web applications easily. Its vast Javascript library of customizable UI components, data visualization tools, and powerful architecture makes it a popular choice for modern web development projects. Furthermore, Ext JS offers a smooth development experience, which encourages developers to build feature-rich applications efficiently. This tutorial will be quite beneficial for beginners who want to learn the ropes about Ext JS. It will provide a gradual approach to help you master Ext JS, which can be considered the best JavaScript framework today. Regardless of your level of experience as a developer looking to increase your knowledge or your level of curiosity about JavaScript frameworks, this tutorial will be of much value to you.

Setting Up the Development Environment

To start using Ext JS, you’ll need to set up your development environment properly. Begin by installing Node.js and npm to manage dependencies easily. You can download Node.js from their official site and npm will be automatically installed with it. If you like to verify the installation, you can simply open up a command prompt and enter the following commands.

node -v
npm -v

If they have been installed, you will be able to see their versions in the command prompt.

Next, create a basic project structure, organizing files and directories to maintain clarity and organization throughout development. A sample structure is given below.

├── app/
│   ├── controller/
│   ├── model/
│   ├── store/
│   └── view/
├── assets/
│   ├── images/
│   └── fonts/
├── config/
│   ├── app.json
│   └── …
├── index.html
├── package.json
└── …

Afterward, you can easily integrate the Ext JS framework into your project. You can use its features and component-based architecture to simplify the web development process. After setting up the development environment, you are now ready to use Ext JS and its different capabilities for building efficient web applications.

Understanding Ext JS Basics

Ext JS Basics

Next, it is essential for you to understand the fundamental concepts. At its core, Ext JS uses a component-based architecture. This allows developers to build interactive user interfaces easily. 

It has two-way data binding to smoothly synchronize between the user interface and data, while its virtual DOM ensures efficient updates to the UI. 

Ext JS’s pre-written JavaScript code simplifies the development process, making it the best choice for both existing projects and new ones. Ext JS supports progressive development and server-side rendering, making it suitable for both complex and mobile applications. Its plugin system and community support further increase its demand, making it a top choice among web developers for creating efficient web applications.

Building UI Components

Building UI Components

Building UI components in Ext JS is essential for creating interactive user interfaces. This section covers working with basic web components and styling and theming.

Working with Basic Components

In Ext JS, creating basic components is necessary to create user interfaces. These components are similar to the building blocks of your web application’s layout and functionality. 

Common basic components include buttons, fields, labels, grids, and lists. Buttons enable users to trigger actions, fields allow input of various data types, labels provide descriptive text and grids, and lists present data in tabular or list format, respectively. Ext JS also offers a set of APIs and documentation to help in the creation and customization of these components. These tools will make it easier for developers to learn, understand, and design interactive user interfaces.

Styling and Theming

Styling and theming play a major role in improving the user experience of Ext JS applications. Ext JS, being one of the best UI frameworks, offers flexible options for CSS styling and customizing themes to match the design requirements of your project. By using CSS in Ext JS, developers can apply styles to individual components or entire applications. These options help to ensure consistency and attractiveness. Additionally, Ext JS provides tools such as Sencha Themer and Sass for creating and modifying themes. This allows developers to customize colors, fonts, and other components to align with branding guidelines or user preferences. Whether you need to change existing themes or create entirely new ones, Ext JS enables developers to customize the appearance of their applications with ease. As a result, user interfaces are functional and pleasing to look at.

Handling Data in Ext JS

Efficient data management is important in building dynamic web applications, and Ext JS provides the features necessary for handling data easily. Ext JS uses its data handling features to simplify the process of acquiring, storing, and manipulating data from servers. By using techniques like two-way data binding and virtual document object model manipulation, Ext JS enables developers to build user interfaces that swiftly respond to data modifications. Furthermore, Ext JS allows the integration of various data sources, including databases and APIs, into applications. This ensures smooth and efficient data management throughout the software development process.

Managing Application State

In Ext JS, effectively managing the application state is necessary for creating complex user experiences. By managing the application state centrally, developers can ensure consistency across different components and views within the application. This JavaScript framework supports state management through mechanisms such as URL routing, local storage, and session storage. These features allow developers to preserve the state of the application as users navigate between pages or refresh the browser. 

Additionally, Ext JS supports two-way data binding, enabling automatic synchronization between the application state and the user interface components. With its reliable state management capabilities, Ext JS enables developers to build applications that maintain a consistent state throughout user interactions. This is really helpful, especially for enterprise software development.

Building a Real-world Ext JS Application

Building a Real-world Ext JS Application

Building a real-world Ext JS application is an exciting opportunity to put theory into practice. With the help of a large library of pre-written JavaScript code and Ext JS’s component-based architecture, developers may quickly and easily create complex applications. Ext JS offers the flexibility and resources to match your project requirements, whether you need to incorporate server-side rendering for better performance or create a single-page application with client-side routing. Using unique features and styling, developers can create interfaces that are both visually pleasing and easy to use. This practical experience allows developers to acquire valuable knowledge about the complexities of web development. It will help them with upcoming projects and their ongoing progress with Ext JS.

Optimization and Performance

Optimization and Performance

Performance optimization is important for providing an uninterrupted user experience. Ext JS provides a number of techniques to increase the effectiveness of online applications. Initial load times and general responsiveness can be decreased using strategies like code separation, lazy loading, and image optimization. Ext JS also uses the V8 JavaScript engine for efficient code execution, which guarantees smooth performance across devices. Additionally, Ext JS provides tools such as Sencha Cmd and resource management plugins for minification and compression to reduce file sizes, resulting in faster loading times and improved resource utilization. 

Deployment and Production

Preparing an Ext JS application for production involves several steps to ensure a smooth deployment process. First, developers need to optimize the application’s resources, such as images and CSS files, and optimize the code by minifying and compressing it. Next, you need to select the appropriate deployment strategies. You must decide whether to deploy to a traditional server environment or to use modern approaches like serverless architecture or containerization. Ext JS offers documentation to assist with deployment, including guides for configuring build scripts and packaging applications. By following best practices for deployment and production, developers can ensure their Ext JS applications are ready to deliver exceptional performance and reliability in a production environment.

Resources and Further Learning

Resources and Further Learning

For those looking to deepen their understanding of Ext JS and expand their skills, a variety of resources and learning opportunities are available. Some of them are listed below.

  • Relevant documents: Examine books and official documents to learn about the features and best practices of Ext JS.
  • Online Communities and Forums: Use forums and online communities to interact with other Ext JS developers, take part in conversations, and get guidance from senior developers.
  • Advanced Courses and Workshops: Enroll in advanced courses and workshops to understand more about Ext JS concepts, tackle complex topics, and improve your skills under the guidance of professionals. 

These opportunities will also help you to stay updated on the latest developments and gradually master Ext JS.


Ext JS is a reliable framework for the development of web applications. It has a variety of tools and functions that help developers create interactive user experiences. This tutorial has been able to give us an in-depth understanding of how to build user interfaces, work with data, control application state, and improve performance from the stage of setting up your development environment. However, you can not stop learning just yet. We encourage further exploration through recommended books, documentation, online communities, and advanced courses. By staying engaged, developers can continue to improve their skills. Seize the chances that lie ahead and use Ext JS to create remarkable web experiences.


What is Ext JS?

Ext JS is a powerful JavaScript framework for building modern web applications with interactive user interfaces.

What are some key features of Ext JS?

Ext JS offers component-based architecture and support for two-way data binding and server-side rendering.

How can one get started with Ext JS?

To start with Ext JS, one can follow tutorials, explore official documentation, and practice building applications using its components and features.

Is Ext JS free to use?

Yes, Ext JS is available as an open-source framework, making it free to use for both personal and commercial projects.


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